Friday 6 September 2013

objet trouvé 1: st Therese's false hair piece

during the life of this blog i have found numerous rusty objects whilst walking along beaches, country footpaths and even city streets
 i have photographed many of them in situ but others i have taken out of their found environment (my garden is filling up with rusty bits and pieces, sorry, sculptures) and photographed them somewhere else
these are my objets trouves - objects which have not been designed for an artistic purpose, but which already exist for another purpose, the idea was first perfected by Marcel Duchamp (after Picasso) who used undisguised objects that are not normally considered art materials - the most famous example is ‘Fountain’ (1917), a standard urinal purchased from a hardware store and displayed on a pedestal, resting on its side
the use of found objects was quickly taken up by the Dada and Surrealist movements – the Surrealist leader, André Breton, defined objets trouves as "manufactured objects raised to the dignity of works of art through the choice of the artist" – continuing the tradition i have also given my photographs slightly surreal titles

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